When we look out into the world, it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed by all the places where help is needed.  This can weigh especially heavy on the hearts and minds of those, like us, who have come to know the transformative power of God’s love.  It’s especially helpful then, when stories of God’s love in action get a little light shined upon them.

Almost a year ago, our partners at Keystone Community Services reached out to me for help with an initiative they are hoping to complete in the coming months.  Keystone is building a new Community Food Center to better serve our neighbors here in Ramsey County.  To help them tell their story, they sent a video team to Prince of Peace to record a message from us.  Here is what they captured:

Prince of Peace has a long history of supporting the work of Keystone and we’re fortunate to have such a robust provider of community support services in our midst.  The new Community Food Center will bring all their food shelf programs, including the Foodmobile, food shelf grocery delivery program, and resource navigation services under one roof. This one location will be a hub for food support and will provide the space to expand more community-based programs out in the community.

As I stated in the video message, the partnership we have with Keystone is vital to our ability to live out our faith and deliver on God’s mission for this church.  What a gift this new facility will be to us and to our neighbors.  With this addition to our community, Prince of Peace will be even better equipped to continue making real God’s vision for the world.

What other stories of God’s love in action have inspired you or restored your spirit lately?  Where else are you seeing the world being transformed by goodness and mercy?  As your devotional practice today, make a point of sharing one of these stories with someone else – bringing a little more light into the world.

May God’s peace find you today.  -Pastor Peter

Let us pray… Transforming God, we give thanks for partners, like those we have at Keystone, who help us bring your love into the world.  Bless their ongoing efforts to fund and build the new Community Food Center and bring relief to all who will benefit from its service in our community.  Amen.

Click here to learn all about Keystone’s new Community Food Center