Today, I’m thinking about doors.  The front door of my house needs some work.  So do the doors on the west side of our church building.  Both sets of doors, when unlocked, welcome guests and, when locked, keep unwanted guests out.  This is what we expect of doors, welcome and protection.

But doors can wear out overtime, from too much opening and closing, unlocking and locking again.  Keeping our doors in good working condition couldn’t be more important to either home life or church life.  But as with many things, we only tend to notice the importance of doors when they don’t work the way we expect them to.

We celebrated the resurrection not even a week ago but Jesus’ story has not quite concluded in John’s gospel.  Our next reading puts us behind closed and locked doors.  Though Peter has seen the empty and Mary has proclaimed the good news of Jesus’ new life, the disciples remain afraid of what the future holds.  And we find them behind locked doors. 

What news or circumstance would find you retreating behind a locked door today?  What if the news was as wonderful as the news that Mary announced – would you be taking refuge as well?  No matter the condition of the door or its lock, and just as with the disciples, Jesus finds his way in and brings a word of peace.

May Jesus bring us his peace today, no matter where we might be hiding, no matter the condition of our doors.

-Pastor Peter

Let us pray…  Even a giant stone rolled in front of your tomb couldn’t keep your love from us and a locked door couldn’t keep your peace away so bring your love and peace to us again this day. Amen.