Thursday, Dec. 2 – 7-8:30 p.m. | Online
Guns are the second leading cause of death for American children and the leading cause for Black American children. As caring and compassionate Lutherans, we are called to do something about these tragic statistics. The “good news” here is that all of these deaths are 100% preventable. If we join forces, gun owners and non-gun owners together, we can learn to “Be SMART” about gun safety for children, teens and families. And we can spread this important message in our congregations and communities.
This class will feature an awareness-raising non-partisan presentation from Be SMART (, a national organization for promoting firearm safety for children and teens. Also included in the discussion will be information on how to access the Be SMART presentation for use in congregations. Other ideas for ways to present and discuss firearm safety and teen suicide prevention in church settings will also be discussed. Jill Chisholm will present the Be SMART material and will lead the discussion along with Pastors Ron Letnes and Rolf Olson. Jill is a licensed parent educator and a trained Be SMART presenter. She has trained Be SMART presenters throughout the state and nation and has presented to a variety of educational and community groups. Questions? Email