Today’s Author: Kent Olson
“The people who have walked in darkness have seen a great light.” Isaiah 9:2 NRSV
A great light. Advent starts.
Even though we know the story, we try to put ourselves in the anticipation mood. In our current pandemic-economic-political situation, maybe we are more in a wishing mood, a cry-for-help mood.
We have been living through many months of pandemic life, rules, conflicts, sickness, separation, death. We probably have some degree of uneasiness due to the lack of stability in the economy, politics, social relations, and so on. Maybe we see some light. But then the clouds of worrisome information and thoughts show up. And darkness increases again. We cry out.
We yearn for an end. We yearn for good news.
The announcement in Isaiah is good news, the great light we wish for. However, Isaiah is not writing about the pandemic, he is writing about something bigger. He is writing about a future leader. We hear news of God sending Jesus to save us from sin. No matter how bad today’s problems and worries are, we know that the good news is of Jesus coming and dying for our sins. The good news liberates us from our earthly concerns.
This good news, this great light, does not solve the pandemic and all the other problems. But the great light allows us to anticipate a better future with God and Jesus.
Dear God, thank you for sending your son to die for our sins and for eventually taking us to live with you in eternal peace. But please help us survive today and navigate a world where so many things do not match what we think is your plan. We anticipate seeing the great light. We ask to also receive your strength, courage and wisdom to live today in anticipation of the peace that passes all understanding. Amen.
“Mid-week devotions are authored by members of our community. If you are interested in creating a trio of reflections to be shared on an upcoming Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday contact Pastor Peter.“