Today’s Author: Kent Olson

In Sunday’s lesson, Abraham and Sarah are living in a foreign land, without children. Previously, Sarah had told Abraham to have a child with their servant because children were the future support, their social security of the time. But then, an angel told Abraham and Sarah would have a child herself. Sarah laughed. But she did have a child, a son they named Isaac. Their future looked brighter. 

They had moved away from their past, their homeland. Now they could look forward to a future with children. They had the negative of moving away and now reconnecting to their future with a promised son.

But then God commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham set out to obey. I cannot imagine how he slept that night before they left. Then he thought about it for three days as they traveled. He was ready to sacrifice Isaac but an angel intervened and stopped him.

I do not think I could have been ready to obey and sacrifice my son. I am glad I have not been tested that way. (I am sure our son, Erik, is glad too.) 

Photo by Tom Bradley on Unsplash

I cannot imagine the strength of Abraham’s faith in God and his obedience to God’s command. In this passage, we see his devotion to God even when preparing to sacrifice his son, a gift, his long-sought son, his future. What is he thinking as he readies Isaac? What is he thinking after he hears the angel and spots the ram caught in the bush? Is it a renewing of his faith in God or just another part of his faith and obedience to God?

What was the conversation between Abraham and Isaac on the way home? How did he explain his actions to a young child? What was their relationship like for the rest of their lives together? Did they tell Sarah? Did she laugh this time? Was the test a renewing of Abraham’s faith? Did this strengthen Isaac’s faith as he grew older?

I have more questions, but I take from this story the lines at the end about God will provide. We do not need to worry about our future because God will provide even if it does not look like the path we were envisioning, even if we are not tested as strongly as Abraham. He was human so I am sure he was tempted to not obey but he followed through, God saw his faith and provided what was needed. I ask for myself, the faith to follow what I think I hear as God’s command, God’s will even when I do not understand.

Dear God, be with us we live our lives and aim to follow your will and command. Help us to understand what we are to do to follow you. The road before us is unknown to us, please walk with us, carry us, provide for us so that we may help others on the road with us. Amen.

“Mid-week devotions are authored by members of our community.  If you are interested in creating a trio of reflections to be shared on an upcoming Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday contact Pastor Peter.