Process & Faith/Twin Cities presents: A Neighborhood Congregation Responds to Turbulent Times
Sat, May 15, 2021; 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT
When riots broke out in Minneapolis in the wake of the May 2020 murder of George Floyd, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church–located just blocks from the destroyed 3rd police precinct–found itself at the center of the riots. This event shares the story of one congregation’s response to this historic challenge and explores how insights gleaned from a process-relational theolgy can aid our understanding and help us heed the call to hospitality, justice, and racial understanding.
10:00 Introduction and Greetings: Dr. James Hart
10:15 “Profile of a Congregation in Unsettled Times” by Randy Nelson, Member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church: Minneapolis, Professor Emeritus of Luther Seminary
11:15 “A Process-Relational Response” by Kirsten A.S. Mebust
11:30 Breakout Room Discussions
12:00 Adjournment
Process and Faith: Twin Cities Connection is an ecumenical organization of theologians, ministers, and others who are interested in the theological and practical implications of process-relational theology for the well-being of all. We are affiliated with the Center for Process Studies in Salem, Oregon, and the Cobb Institute in Claremont, California.