As we enter Lent our theme is “We Are Turning.” One way that we experience the power of turning in perspective and direction is by walking or praying a labyrinth. Labyrinths are ancient symbols that take us on a journey of wholeness. These maze-like paths are both purposeful and meandering.
Enclosed in a circle, the path leads you out to the edges of the circle, in towards the center, and then out again. Labyrinths have been used as a meditation and prayer tool for centuries, reminding the walker that life is a journey. Like our prayer life, there is no right or wrong way to approach a labyrinth.
Integral to all labyrinths are the series of turns, much like the turns we experience in life. And like our life in God, there are no dead ends. All our twists and turns are held within the loving bounds of God’s grace and love. The turns within a labyrinth quiet our minds and calm our hearts as we breath, walk, notice, listen; as we travel to the center and back out into our lives.

One of my favorite labyrinths is nearby in St Paul. Nestled into Como Park just over the pedestrian bridge from the pavilion to the conservatory, is the Global Harmony Labyrinth, built in honor of the sister city relationship between St. Paul and Nagasaki. This labyrinth has a beautiful open, swooping feel to it and while not explicitly Christian, I’ve appreciated walking this labyrinth in prayer.
This season I encourage you to think about the twists and turns you have experienced, and consider how they have been held within the loving bounds of God’s grace all along.
In Peace, Pastor Ruth
Want to try a virtual labyrinth? Click here:
Let us pray:
We are turning, Lord, to hear you, see you, and know you. You are merciful and kind, slow to anger, rich in blessing. With every twist and turn, lead our steps back to your grace and your mercy. Lead us in your ways of new life, forgiveness, and re-creation. We pray in the name of Christ, the one who reveals your love, we pray. Amen.