Thursday, November 5 @ 7:30pm
This month’s question: Given the results of Tuesday’s election, how are people of faith to respond?
Further: Election seasons are seasons of heightened anxiety, fear, and division. Following Jesus’ model of caring for the most vulnerable, we believe God calls us to stay attentive to the policies and leadership changes that impact our collective well-being. We believe God calls us to use our vote to work toward building God’s beloved community on earth. But once our votes are cast and the results are announced, how will we live even more fully into the being the church God is calling us to be?
We will take time this month to carve out some space for reflection, listening, and connection—in the midst of staying active and engaged for the weeks that follow this election season. Together, we’ll engage a special liturgy to help frame our time, our conversation and our work.
One drink, one question, one hour. At the intersection of PoP and culture. Digging deeper into questions that affect the ways in which we see the world. Listening to others in practice to our faithful response. If you’ve never attended, you are especially welcome to join us for this month’s conversation. Theology on Tap gathers the first Thursday of every month. Currently, rather than meeting in-person at Ol’ Mexico, we’re meeting virtually in our virtual pub room on Zoom.
This link will be live 15 minutes before the scheduled event time.