Please join the Adult Forum class at 9:40 Sunday mornings between the worship services. Most of the classes are held in the reception room. There will directions to the class each Sunday.
January 6– What makes the Gospel of Matthew special? As we begin to hear this gospel through the narrative lectionary, Carol Swanson will share how this telling of Jesus is unique.
January 13– Come hear Pastor Betsy share ideas on the formation of faith—from baptism throughout life.
January 20– When the Temptation Is Great. Chef Melinda Dorn who leads CulinaRecovery, a support system network for restaurant professionals in recovery, will share her story about this ministry.
January 27– The Beatitudes. Using “process” thought, Gary Olson will help us delve into these beloved and challenging verses that begin Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
February 3–The Lord’s Prayer. Do you wonder about wording variations of the Lord’s Prayer? And why is the Lord’s Prayer important? Scott Tunseth and Michael Stetzler lead us in this exploration and discussion.