11/24/18 Property Update Matt Hogen, Property and Deb Cordes
It’s timely to provide an update on many things property related. Some big projects and some small.
PARKING LOT – It would be wonderful to say the parking lot is done…but as we all know, it isn’t. Delay after delay was caused by the significant rainfall and then the cold. The underlayment (soil) was too soft for the equipment to lay the last part of the base course. Some damage was done during the hard rains that will need to be repaired.
- Spring will see the completion of the parking lot project. (This also allows time for the Parking Lot Funding to ramp up for the final payments that will be due.)
- Temporary striping is planned and I am working out the timing.
- Dumpsters have been moved back and will remain in place until the final work next spring.
- There is an issue with access that may or may not be worked out on a temporary basis. All current options would be affected by snow plowing and likely ripped off. We don’t have an answer but will keep on looking at options.
PLOWING – Gunard will be the company providing plowing this year. Payments will be made on an as used basis. While I checked for a fixed fee contract, the quote was approximately $1,700 more than the average paid on an as needed basis.
SIDEWALK – Salting or other snow chemicals may be used on the new concrete sidewalks. If you see salt, know it’s safe to use and will not damage the newly laid concrete.
STOVE – not many people even knew the stove had issues. Four top burners (out of six) were so warped that pots could not make appropriate contact. One of the oven’s thermostats was also not working properly. The thermostat has been replaced and all six top burners have been replaced thereby extending the life of the oven.
There were concerns about the griddle not working…..well, it is fine but it needs at least 20 – 30 minutes to heat up. This is a solid piece of metal so it takes additional time to heat up BUT hold heat for long periods of time. It’s a matter of patience and timing.
Last, the Property Committee is back up and meeting on a monthly basis. The intent is to gather ALL projects – whether the Monday Morning Crew is handling or Brian/Dan/Russ. It meets the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30. If you have something that the committee needs to address, please let Brian Wolf or Matt Hogen know.
There are likely many, numerous little items that are not included here. The Monday Morning Crew does a fantastic job of taking on and completing the projects that need immediate attention. Prince of Peace is lucky to have such a group, and we thank them.