Milt Warkentien, Music Ministry Coordinator and Lightshine Youth Choir Director
Worship Schedule:
Dec. 2nd Traditional with communion
MN Boychoir at both services
Dec. 9th Traditional
8:30 Lightshine 10:45 Chancel Choir
Dec. 16th Band Led with communion
8:30 Chancel Choir.
10:45 Christmas Play: Waiting for the Promised
Dec. 23rd Service of Lessons and Carols
Chancel Choir, Bells of Peace and Lightshine at both services
Christmas Cafe at 9:40 a.m.
Dec. 24th Christmas Eve
3:00 Sunday School Choir
4:30 Ericksen Family
10:30 Chancel Choir
Dec. 30th (one service at 10:00)
Erika Warkentien & Stephanie Hogen
This year’s Advent theme is “Waiting on the Promised.” We’ve been hearing about God’s promises all fall, and now we’re waiting for the ultimate promise, Jesus Christ. This year’s Lessons and Carols Service will be looking at God’s promises and our promises from the beginning thru Jesus: God’s Promises bringing hope, Living Faithfully in God’s Promise, God’s Promise for Peace, Having Faith in God’s Promises, God’s Promise of Jesus and, finally, the Promised Savior has come.
December brings us to the season of Advent. This year’s advent season will be a bit different at Prince of Peace, since we’re now using the Narrative Lectionary. We won’t be specifically using Hope, Peace, Love, Joy, etc. … and will be using some different texts, but for me, that is making Advent even more intriguing. We’ll be hearing texts from Habakkuk and Esther, 2 books of the Bible we rarely hear.
I hope everyone remembers the various promises God made to God’speople, and the various promises God’s people made to God. We will beremembering the God’s promise thru the rainbow among other things. What text, image, hymn etc… has helped you remember God’s promise to you, or your promise to God?
Verse 7 of ELW 257 “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” is
O come, O King of nations, come,
O Cornerstone that binds in one:
refresh the hearts that long for you;
restore the broken, make us new.
This verse seems so appropriate in today’s world filled with way too much darkness. We WAIT for the promise Jesus brings to the world: unity and peace, renewal of our faith, healing for those in need. I guess Peace, Hope, Joy, Love, etc. … will still be around. No matter how you phrase it, “Waiting for the Promised” is about waiting for Love, Hope, Peace, Joy, etc. …that Christ brings to the world.
May we all find Love, Hope, Peace, Joy, etc., this year, in all we do, say, live and dream.