Worship Schedule:
Nov. 4th Traditional with communion
8:30 Chancel Choir
10:45 Sunday School Choir
Nov. 11th Band Led
8:30 Lightshine
10:45 Chancel Choir
Nov. 18th Traditional with communion
Bells of Peace at both services
Wednesday, Nov. 22nd 7:00 Thanksgiving Eve Service
with communion Chancel Choir
Nov. 25th Traditional
8:30 To be determined 10:45 Chancel Choir
Dec. 2nd Traditional with communion
Minnesota Boychoir at both services
November is usually the month I take time to give thanks to all our musicians and behind the scenes workers for Sunday Services. This November isn’t going to be much different, but there is something new to be VERY thankful for this year, and that’s a full PoP staff! We don’t have any interim wording, or anything. We have a full staff!!!!! I’m very excited to see how all the new ideas help shape what worship will look like at PoP. Maybe it’ll be small tweakings, but it could be some larger changes, too; as we explore all the ideas and possibilities the new staff brings to PoP.
Getting back to those that make PoP worship what it is, THANK YOU!!!
We have many dedicated musicians and behind the scenes workers that make our worship services run smoothly and meaningfully. Our ushers and greeters go out of their way to make people feel welcome. Our cookie bakers help Barb prepare amazing goodies for between services, and sometimes before the first service. Our communion prep people make sure communion is set up. Our sound people try to make sure everyone is heard and that all the mics are working and in the right places. Our readers bring the biblical stories to life. Our various choirs work hard to learn their music, so that our worship experience is enhanced. Our worship committee works hard to keep the sanctuary decorated and supplies filled, along with helping come up with worship ideas. Our office assistants help get the regular and large print bulletins ready. I’m sure I missed someone, which I apologize for, but please know that doesn’t mean your task isn’t important, it’s just that I missed you. Lastly I’d like to thank my co-workers for being so easy to work with. It’s not easy for directors to have organized rehearsals with volunteers’ schedules the way they are; and it’s not easy to try reaching everyone’s needs in a worship service, but it usually gets done with a smile and thank you.
November is a time to thank all those that have gone before us and prepared the way for our worship. I’m sure most of us have many deceased and living SAINTS in our lives.
November is also a time to give thanks for all the active and retired military veterans in our lives. People give and have given so much for what many of us take for granted. November is also the month we celebrate Thanksgiving with our family and friends. What does Thanksgiving mean for you individually? What does Thanksgiving mean for us as a community of believers? What does Thanksgiving mean for us globally?
November is when we celebrate our relationship with Bomalang-ombe, too. Many of us probably think of this ministry as a service ministry; but if you take time to talk with those that have gone over to Africa, I think we might be being served more than we serve. I know it always amazes me how much more I think I get when I give, when doing a service project, or chaperone, or whatever.
Please take the time to give of your time at Prince of Peace. There are many opportunities of service at Prince of Peace. You can be right out front and visable, or do things behind the scenes. All opportunities are important! Doing service is one of the ways we can give thanks for what we have.
ALSO: Please take the time to thank those for the service that they do. We are an active church, involved in many things on any given day, but I believe we can still do more at church, at home, in the community and globally. Please take time to be thankful for what you have, but also take time to think of how you can best use your talents to give.
Verse 5 of ELW 845 Voices Raised to You says
“How can any praise we offer measure all the thanks we owe? Take our hearts and hands and voices gifts of love we can bestow. Alleluia! Alleluia! Triune God to you we sing!
There isn’t any praise we can offer that measures all the thanks we owe, but we can give lovingly with our hearts, hands and voices.
May God bless, Milty