The Interview Committee tasked with identifying the new Visitation & Congregational Care Pastor will be interviewing candidates beginning the week of June 11.  Each of the candidates has met already with Pastor Peter.  The committee has prepared their questions and interview format.  Interview Committee members include: Anne Haugan, Gary Olson, Janet Schreiner, and Esther Tatley.

Once a candidate is selected, the committee will nominate the person to the Congregation Council.  The Personnel Committee will negotiate the terms of the covenant agreement and the council will vote to accept the agreement and add the chosen leader to our pastoral team.  It is hopeful that this process can be completed by mid-July.

Pastor Peter is taking the lead on any visitation or congregational care needs in the interim.  Some regular visitation may be limited during this time as we focus on those with more pressing needs.  Anyone desiring of a pastoral call or visit need only contact the office or Pastor Peter directly.

The prayers of the community are most welcome as we ask the Holy Spirit to aid us in our discernment and for the encouragement to sustain us in this time of transition.