A Joint Effort by the Adult Education and Social Concerns Committee

In 2009, the ELCA Churchwide Assembly authorized the development of a social statement* on women and justice. The ELCA Task Force on Women and Justice: One in Christ has been at work since 2012 and brought the work to a crucial stage: On November 15, 2017 it released the Draft of a Social Statement on Women and Justice. The comment period on the Draft is open until September 30, 2018.

Copies of the draft statement are available at Prince of Peace and can also be viewed online here.

The draft begins with and is rooted in our common foundation, a confession of faith in the Triune God. From this certainty of faith flow 36 assertions, divided into five sections. These assertions claim God’s intention of abundant life for all, confess sexism and patriarchy as sin, name the resources of Lutheran faith to address this sin, and articulate this church’s work and its call to religious and secular partners. The draft closes with an expression of hope for justice, grounded in trust in God’s promise of grace.

We are convening a study of this draft statement here at Prince of Peace in May and June.  An introduction to the draft social statement will take place during the Adult Forum on Sunday, May 13, beginning at 9:40am and all are encouraged to attend.  Pastor Peter will facilitate the conversation over four sessions on Wednesday evenings (May 30, June 6, 13, & 20) from 6:30-8:00pm in the library.  Each week we will look at a different section of the draft statement.  At the conclusion of the 4-week study, the group may elect to submit commentary in response to the ELCA Task Force.  Individual responses are also welcome.  Contact Pastor Peter with your questions.

Wednesday, May 30 @ 6:30pm – Group Study – Session One: Core Convictions
Wednesday, June 6 @ 6:30pm – Group Study – Session Two: Analysis of Patriarchy & Sexism
Wednesday, June 13 @ 6:30pm – Group Study – Session Three: Resources for Resisting Patriarchy & Sexism
Wednesday, June 20 @ 6:30pm – Group Study – Session Four: Call to Action & New Commitments for Society & the Church

*ELCA social statements are theological and teaching documents. They assist the ELCA and its members to reach informed judgments on social issues from a perspective of faith. They are intended to cultivate individual and community discernment, as well as to guide moral formation. They govern this church’s institutional policy and teaching in its social witness and guide its work as a public church. Social statements are developed through an extensive process of deliberation involving the whole church and are adopted by a two-thirds majority of an ELCA churchwide assembly.