In thankfulness,
we will give,
we will tell,
we will live,
your gift through us to gift the world. Amen
~ written by Walter Brueggemann, in Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth
Dear Prince of Peace Friends,
First and always – thank you. It has been such a privilege to come alongside you as your pastor in this time of great transition for this congregation and for me. I’m deeply grateful for the welcome you have extended to me, for the stories you have shared, for the many ways you care for one another, for the opportunities to worship and serve, learn and grow, laugh and mourn together.
In the midst of the uneasiness change brings, I hope you will discover excitement, possibility, hope and renewal. I will be lifting your on-going discernment in prayer –you, Pastor Peter and the whole staff, the council and call committees, and your new staff members. I wish you every blessing as your transitions continue.
Though I have looked forward to our daughter’s graduation and to joining my husband, Paul, in Milwaukee, it’s still difficult to go. I love you and I have loved being your pastor. Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel and for the abundant life and ministry we’ve shared.
Pastor Lynn Erickson