Prince of Peace has completed the first 4 of our 7 assigned days to work on the 2018 Habitat house at 717 Geranium in St. Paul. We began on April 16, the day after the snowstorm by shoveling snow. As of last evening, May 1, the house is up. The roof sheeting is on and ready for shingles. The exterior foam insulation is on and the house wrap is installed. Most of the windows are installed. Basement is nearing ready for the floor to get poured. The roof shingling should get done yet this week (this is being done by professionals). Then, the electrician and plumbers can get going. Soffits and siding should be next on the agenda for volunteers.
If you’re interested in volunteering with Holy Hammers at Habitat for Humanity, contact Chris Henningson
Check out the Holy Hammers Facebook Page to see progress photos and read updates.
Here are a few photos showing the progress from April 16 until yesterday.
April 16 – after the blizzard!
Chris Hennigson, PoP’s Chief Volunteer
May 1 – Ready for siding and shingles.