The April Women’s Circles Bible Study continues with the theme “Multiple Meanings: Learning from other interpretations.” Session 4 of this series of bible studies “Multiple Meanings,” from Gather Magazine, will be about the “Prodigal Son Story” from Luke 15:11 – 32. From what perspective would a “famine” or “squandering your possessions” contribute to the understanding of this story? How do the Tanzanians interpret the ”Prodigal Son Story? Discover how the Russians interpret this story.
Join in on any one of the following four bible study groups. Call the hostess for directions or for information. You would be more than welcome. The Women’s Bible Study Circles meet the second week of each month.
Rebecca Bible Study Circle meets in the home Monday, April 16, at 7 p.m., Hostess: Serene Thornton, 651-558-6333, Bible Study Leader: Carol Swanson
Lydia Bible Study Circle meets in the church library, Tuesday, April 10 at 9:30 a.m., Hostess: Maria Larson, 651-653-9108, Bible Study Leader: Sharon Rachner
Women of the Well Bible Study Circle meets in the home, Tues, April 10 at 9:30 a.m., Hostess: Mazie Niebeling, 651-484-6477, Bible Study Leader: Anne Olson
Ruth Bible Study Circle will meet at Sunrise Senior Center, Wed., April 11 at 1:30 p.m., Hostess: Jean Knaak, 651-483-9261, Bible Study Leader: Judy Florine