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Scripture References: Psalms 19:1-6, Romans 1:20 As we begin our summer together, you’re invited on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual renewal as you find your center. It’s outside - where we are beckoned, amidst the awe-inspiring beauty of nature, reconnecting with the earth and the divine presence infused within it. With art & music, explore the ways in which creativity becomes a conduit for encountering the sacred, whether through the strokes of a brush, the melody of a song, or the rhythm of a dance. We’ll delve into the power of story, both personal and communal, to illuminate the pathways to our sacred centers, weaving together the threads of our lives with the timeless narratives of faith. Finally, the community reveals the vital role of shared experience and mutual support that grounds us in our identities and fosters deeper connections with the divine and one another.Peter Christ - May 26, 2024
Find Your Center Outside
From Series: "Find Your Center"
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Scripture References: Psalms 19:1-6, Romans 1:20 As we begin our summer together, you’re invited on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual renewal as you find your center. It’s outside - where we are beckoned, amidst the awe-inspiring beauty of nature, reconnecting with the earth and the divine presence infused within it. With art & music, explore the ways in which creativity becomes a conduit for encountering the sacred, whether through the strokes of a brush, the melody of a song, or the rhythm of a dance. We’ll delve into the power of story, both personal and communal, to illuminate the pathways to our sacred centers, weaving together the threads of our lives with the timeless narratives of faith. Finally, the community reveals the vital role of shared experience and mutual support that grounds us in our identities and fosters deeper connections with the divine and one another.Peter Christ - May 26, 2024
Find Your Center Outside
From Series: "Find Your Center"
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