Middle School & CONFIRMATION

5th-8th Graders

Meets from 5:30-7pm on the 3rd Sunday of the month during the school year. Meet your friends at Community Dinner and then head to the Youth Room for activities. Invite your friends!

  • March16
  • April 27
  • May 18


The Confirmation journey explores the gifts of discipleship as promised in Baptism through Bible & Catechism study. Class meets 12:00-1:30pm on the following Sundays:

  • February 23
  • March 23 & 30
  • April 13 & 27

Online Worship Response Form


Children & Youth Choir

Children & Youth Choir

Children & youth are invited to sing in a choir this spring. Please fill out the survey for the dates that work best for your family. Survey

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Lenten Mentors

Lenten Mentors

Confirmation students are highly encouraged to participate in the Lenten Mentor program. You will meet with your mentor for approximately 10 minutes before Wednesday Lenten Worship at 6:30pm and 10 minutes after. If you have identified a mentor or request a specific...

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Lent Skits

Lent Skits

Dates: March 9, 16, 23, 30; April 6, 13 (Palm Sunday), 20 (Easter) Thespians of all ages and abilities are needed for Sunday morning skits. There are speaking and non-speaking roles. You would perform at both services (8:30 &10:45am) and practice between services...

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