Micro-Grants for Mission

Doing God’s work in the world.

Micro-Grants for Mission Application

Have you ever thought of a project that “someone” should do? Have you wanted to make an impact on our community? Well, here’s the perfect opportunity to give your dreams a reality.

Available for any member of the Prince of Peace Church community, Micro-grants are given as part Prince of Peace’s Capitol Campaigns. A grant may be applied for any project that furthers Prince of Peace’s mission out in the community – whether for the local, state, national or international community. There is an estimated $15,000 in grant monies available in this next round of funding.

By making a proposal for a micro-grant, you are also agreeing to participate in the decision-making process. The last granting cycle was awarded in May, 2019. We are now between granting cycles.

If you would like more information about how the grant process works, please email Caryn Josephson  or call 651-208-1578.