Advent Devotions

All are invited as we Make Room this Advent season. 

The Challenge of Good News

Image Credit: David Goldman / Associated Press

Yesterday, we read from Luke how Jesus begins his ministry with a bold proclamation: God’s good news is for everyone—not just for those we expect or prefer. This radical inclusivity angered many in his hometown, just as it can unsettle us today. Yet it is precisely this boundary-breaking love that reveals the heart of God.

Our late President Jimmy Carter embodied this challenging Gospel in his life and work. Whether building homes through Habitat for Humanity, advocating for human rights, or eradicating disease, Carter’s actions consistently reflected a commitment to serving others—especially those on the margins. He once said, “My faith demands—this is not optional—my faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I can, whenever I can, for as long as I can, with whatever I have, to try to make a difference.”

This is the heart of the good news Jesus proclaimed: a call to action, a summons to extend God’s love and justice beyond the boundaries of our comfort. It’s not easy. It requires humility, courage, and a willingness to let go of our assumptions. But it is also deeply transformative, for ourselves and the world.

As you move into the week ahead, consider: How is God challenging you to live out the Gospel in your daily life? Where are you being called to bring good news to the poor, release to the captives, or freedom to the oppressed?

May you find yourself in God’s story today. -Pastor Peter

Let’s pray… God of justice and mercy, challenge us to see beyond our boundaries. Give us courage to follow your call and live your good news. Amen.


A Good Story

Photo by Samantha Sophia on Unsplash Today's author is Prince of Peace member, Steve Sveom. “Story Matters” is the theme for our weeks in the narrative lectionary this year. Elements of a good story include characters, conflict, uncertainty, hope, and possibility. The...

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Trust + Faith = Transformation

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” – James Baldwin, author & civil rights activist.

This wisdom speaks to the heart of faith—trusting God even when the outcome remains unclear. Sarah & Abraham’s story, which we encountered in worship yesterday, reminds us that faith is not about having all the answers or seeing immediate results. Instead, it’s about staying committed to God’s vision, even when the path ahead is murky.

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Creation and Fall

Today's author is Prince of Peace member, Paul Sponheim. Photo by Louis Maniquet on Unsplash As we read these ancient Genesis stories we know that we are standing at the very edge of time itself and we have questions. The scientists have told us of a Big Bang way,...

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