Worship Information & Opportunities

When we gather for worship, we honor the diversity of God’s people by blending traditional and contemporary liturgy, promoting excellent music and preaching, to support our faith and each other in following Jesus in our daily life.

Sunday Worship Schedule

  • In-person in the Sanctuary.
  • Live-streamed and available for viewing later.
  • Communion Served Every Week
  • Runs about an Hour in Length




Holy Communion is offered at the table during worship every Sunday. All are welcome at the table. Those not yet communing are welcome to receive a blessing.


Prince of Peace generally follows the Narrative Lectionary September through Pentecost Sunday. Summer readings are assigned based on the variety of worship series. Check out the current series description to learn what stories are currently shaping our worship.

Sermon Archives

Recordings of sermons are posted onto this website in days following our Sunday worship.  The current archives include every recordable sermon from January 1, 2019 plus a few selections from years prior.
Click here to listen to past Sermons 

Past Worship Service

Recordings of our services can be found on our YouTube channel- PoPRoseville.
Click here to go to our YouTube Channel 

Upcoming Live-streamed services



A New Way of Recruiting Worship Volunteers

A New Way of Recruiting Worship Volunteers

Starting February 9 we will no longer be asking readers and greeters to sign up ahead of time to serve on Sunday mornings. Instead, we will have resources available for people to simply show up and serve on Sunday morning. Readers There are three weeks worth of...

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Rewrite the Story

Rewrite the Story

Worship Series for February 9 - March 2 Jesus’ ministry is marked by a radical reimagining of what it means to live in God’s story. In the Gospel of Luke, we see him breaking barriers, defying expectations, and offering transformative hope to those on the margins....

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RIC Sunday – Jan. 26

RIC Sunday – Jan. 26

On Sunday, Jan. 26, we’ll gather to celebrate an important milestone in the life of our congregation: the two-year anniversary of becoming a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) church. On this special day, we will give thanks for the ways we have been living into our public commitment to welcome, affirm, and advocate for LGBTQIA+ people and all who have been excluded or marginalized.

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