Prince of Peace Congregation Council

Deb Cordes

Deb Cordes


Elected to a new term as Congregation Secretary in January 2023, Deb has moved into the President position for a one-year term beginning January 2024. Deb has previously served as the immediate past president and in a variety of other leadership positions.

Andrew Hannesh

Andrew Hannesh

Vice President

Elected to a first term on the Congregation Council as an At-Large Member in January 2023. Andrew was elected to vice president in January 2024. Andrew and his wife Julene (PoP’s Youth Director) have been active members of Prince of Peace since 2022.

Arjun Sethi

Arjun Sethi


I have been a member of Prince of Peace for over ten years with family Jenna, Sofie, and Micah Sethi and with in-laws Scott and Kathy Tunseth.


This position is curently vacant.  If you might be interested or would like to learn more, please contact Pastor Peter.

Enna Wold

Enna Wold


Elected a first term on the Congregation Council in January, 2023. She has been a lifelong member of the congregation since parents, Erika and Tony Wold began attending in 2004.

James Ericksen

James Ericksen


My wife and I joined POP in 1977.

I regularly participate in Habitat for Humanity.

Both Liz and I have been active in the choir since we joined, except for a few years when our kids were young.

Elected to a second term on the Congregation Council as an At-Large Member in January, 2023.

Rick Rothausen

Rick Rothausen


Previously served as Congregation Treasurer.  Elected to a first term on the Congregation Council as an At-Large Member in January 2023. Rick and Sandra first joined Prince of Peace in 1972, and left for employment in the Leech Lake Area in 1999, returning in 2020 after determining PoP was soon to be an RIC congregation.

Micah Sethi

Micah Sethi


Bio Coming Soon 

Jennifer Immerman

Jennifer Immerman


Elected to a first term on the Congregation Council as an At-Large Member in January 2024. Jennifer is a long-time member of Prince of Peace and is an active participant in many PoP ministry area.

Dian Larson

Dian Larson


Elected to a first term on the Congregation Council as an At-Large Member in January 2024. Dian has been a member of Prince of Peace since 2021 and is an active participant in several PoP ministry areas, including the Campus Planning Task Force.

Peter Christ

Peter Christ

Lead Pastor

Pastor Peter sits on the Congregation Council and is an ad-hoc member of all the official committees.

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