By Deborah Cordes

God is up to something good at Prince of Peace! I am certain of that! As congregation council president, Build A Church sphere leader and member of Prince of Peace, I have a few random thoughts to share.

As a people of God, you amaze me! We step up, step out and make it happen! The talent here is ranges from those who build gardens and repair the church, to the artists, musicians, learners/teachers, planners, video and sound wizards (not my strength area) and all those who come to listen and receive. What a community! Thank you for allowing me to be part of it.

The generosity of the members of this congregation have always amazed me. Somehow, we make it financially when other churches struggle. THANK YOU!   The pledges received aid in our planning for the next fiscal year. THANK YOU. If you forgot to make a pledge (even if the amount is the same as last year), please feel free to send it to the office. The council uses this information as a guide.

Build A Church Initiative – Over the last six months, the Build A Church initiative moves forward. I am thankful for the congregation empowering this initiative that allows us to reach out to our community with the good news of God’s love and the call to be part of God’s story. It has been a joy to see both continuing members and new visitors each week at church. With Peter’s and Alyssa’s guidance, the challenge is to join the initiative, inviting both the neighbors we know and the strangers to come.

Knowing what I said above, with the great possibilities to Build A Church and spread the Good News, there are challenges for the year as well.

Build A Church Sphere (different and part of the initiative). The most visible of the three spheres and one with the most groups/participants. There are many people involved in the Build A Church sphere including worship planners, those that create the space for worship, involved with children/youth and the worship leaders. They work hard and view their duty is to make worship a place where each person can find something meaningful whether through the themes of the season, Sunday education, service, the sermon, music, readings, or the way the church looks. I wanted to recognize them and all they do – Thank you!

Congregation Members – Thank you for your prayers!  The power of prayer is immense!  (A personal story) Last fall, my brother faced a very serious health condition. Prince of Peace held him in prayer. Two weeks ago, he called to let me know he felt those prayers and the healing power of God’s holding him. He’s back to being his feisty self. We thank you for those prayers. This is what we do – pray for those we know and don’t know to feel God’s love.