Multiple Opportunities to Serve Your Church

The Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for a number of leadership positions to be elected at the upcoming semi-annual meeting of the congregation on Sunday, Jan. 26. 2025. Please contact the members of our Nominating Committee (Erika Wold & Kim Wetteland) or Pastor Peter if you have interest or any questions.

Congregation Vice-President

The VP serves on the Executive Committee. The VP also serves on and represents the Personnel Committee to the Congregation Council. The VP leads meetings in the President’s absence and serves as a financial signatory for the church’s accounts. As a member of the congregation council, the VP participates in holding the church’s ministries accountable to our mission and vision. Often, those who serve as VP may become ideal candidates to serve as Congregation President in future terms. Both the President & Vice-President serve on the Call Committee whenever a pastoral vacancy occurs.

One-year term, three consecutive terms max.

Congregation Secretary

The Secretary serves on the Executive Committee. The Secretary works with staff to keep and publish minutes of all meetings of the council and congregation. (Note, now that our meetings are video recorded, the task of minute keeping has been dramatically simplified.) The Secretary may also serve as a financial signatory for the church’s accounts. As a member of the congregation council, the Secretary participates in holding the church’s ministries accountable to our mission and vision.

One-year term, three consecutive terms max.

At-Large Council Member

In addition to the officers of the congregation (President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary) the congregation may elect no fewer than five at-large members to the congregation council. At least one of the council members should be a youth or young adult. Members of the Congregation Council hold the church’s ministries accountable to our mission and vision. The council is responsible for the the strategic planning and oversight of the congregation’s activities, assisting the pastor(s) in the spiritual care of the congregation, and promoting a Christian sense of generosity as we tend to the financial concerns of the organization.

Two-year term, two consecutive terms max.

Enduring Gifts Committee Member

Now that the Enduring Gifts Fund has reached a balance greater than $250,000 our constitution and by-laws stipulate that a committee of five (5) voting members of the congregation are to be elected to govern the fund’s activities and to “solicit and allocate the use of the funds.” Further, the congregation council will charge the initial EGF Committee with recommending the practices and procedures to be followed. Members who are passionate about the long-term viability of our ministry and the on-going fulfillment of our mission and vision would be ideal candidates for this role.

Three-year term, 2 consecutive terms max. We are currently seeking one person for an initial one-year term, two persons for initial two-year terms, and two persons for three-year terms.

Audit Committee Member

A two-person audit committee audits the financial accounts of the congregation every fall, after the close of the July-June ficsal year. The auditors follow a prescribed set of procedures and are supported by staff in their inquiry process. A report is submitted to the council and congregation prior to the semi-annual meeting in January.

Two-year term, no max. One person elected/re-elected each year.

Nominating Committee Member

A three-person committee that works with the Lead Pastor to prepare the list of nominations for all offices to be elected by the congregation. The committee also supports the council in identifying candidates, when requested, for appointed leadership positions. Ideal committee members are eager to connect with congregation members passionate about the mission and vision of our congregation and offering them opportunities to serve their community.

Three-year term, no max. One person elected/re-elected each year.

2025 Synod Assembly Delegate

Delegates are voting members at the annual assembly of the St. Paul Area Synod. Based on congregation size, Prince of Peace is currently allotted three voting delegates. Participation in the Synod Conference meeting on Feb. 22, 2025 is helpful preparation for the assembly. On Assembly weekend, there is an optional worship and informational activities that take place Friday evening, May 16, 2025. Attendance is required for the business meeting of the assembly on Saturday, May 17, 2025. A post-assembly report by our delegates would be expected, offered in writing to the council and shared with congregation.