Intergenerational Event on December 1 between worship services
Come join us on four service projects! We will be making treats, tying blankets, making cards, and packing cared packages!
Confirmation: Sunday, December 8, 4-8pm
Youth Cookie Baking! December 14, 9am-12pm OR 1-4pm
We will be baking cookies to sell the next day at the bake sale for youth ministry. There will be a sign-up for any youth who want to participate. (There are two time slots so we don’t have 20 people in the kitchen.)
Christmas Program and Bake Sale on December 15
Calling All Bakers – Our youth will be holding a bake sale to raise funds in support of their ministry adventures. Please consider donating any cookies or treats that we can sell or cookie baking ingredients that we will use to bake on the 13th and 14th. At the second service the day, Sunday School will put on their program! Between and after service youth will be selling cookies and treats!
Lightshine sings December 22 at both services.
We will be singing at both services for Lessons and Carols. Youth will be singing early in the service, so they can leave after they sing in the second service. Rehearsals are Dec. 1st and 8th. Please arrive at 8:00am on Sunday the 22nd.
PoP Rocks – High School – Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Foundations – 7th-12th grade – Sundays at 9:40am