Fall Worship Schedule
Sept. 1 – Outdoor service with communion, 10:00 am, Youth Reflection Service, Ryan Miller & Friends
Sept. 8 – Traditional, God’s Work, Our Hands, Chancel Choir at both services
Sept.15 – Traditional, with communion, Rally Sunday, Chancel Choir at both services
Sept. 22 – Band Led: 8:30 Worship Team, 10:45 Lightshine
Sept. 29 – Traditional with communion, Bells of Peace at both services
Oct. 6 – Traditional with communion, Chancel Choir at both services
This summer I was at the Augsburg Fortress music clinic and Robert Hobby gave a clinic in which he talked about looking at the words of hymns. I found his clinic fascinating in that he talked about studying a text when he was composing pieces, but that he hadn’t been spending enough time studying the words when picking hymns. He suggested that we take a hymn text and read it everyday for a week, not worrying about the music, just reading the text. He said just think how that hymn could take on new meanings for you, and that with 52 weeks, one could have 52 hymn texts part of their being.
When thinking about our theme for the year, “Listen, Learn, Love” I was even more intrigued by reading hymn texts. I do study them some when picking out hymns to fit the given Sunday, but really studying and getting to know them isn’t something I usually do. When ticking of my favorite hymns words aren’t usually what attracts me to them, but this may change. My hope for all of us is that we all take time to look at the incredible poetry that is in our hymn texts. We usually “listen” to the hymns musically, but I want people to study the hymns and reflect on them. What can we learn from the texts? What do you hear in the texts (a different way to listen). What can we learn about love from the texts?
Here’s a familiar hymn text by William Bradbury, to begin with: Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so; little ones to him belong, they are weak, but he is strong. (Refrain) Yes, Jesus loves me, yes, Jesus loves me, yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so. Jesus loves me! He who died heavens gates to open wide; he will wash away my sin, let his little child come in. (Refrain) Jesus loves me! He will stay close beside me all the way; when at last I come to die, he will take me home on high. (Refrain) Did you hear, learn and find love in a way you hadn’t before?
If you study the texts of the hymns each Sunday you can see if you found the choices followed the text, or not. If you find a hymn text meaningful to you please let me know, as it might be something that would benefit me, and the congregation sometime.
May God bless us all,