by Steve Sveom
Although I am only a recent participant in the Monday morning work crew, I have been warmly welcomed. They assured me that having joined them once that I was part of the crew. Collectively, the group has enough knowledge and skills to be a little bit dangerous but also to take care of some of the nagging building needs. The group works together to clean and straighten, change light bulbs, install plastic window coverings to keep tenants warm and minimize energy use, change shower heads, move bell choir tables, put up and take down names displayed for All Saints in the sanctuary and then settle in for conversations, coffee and goodies.
Then I also see some of the participants on other days finishing a project or doing something else to make the building a welcoming place. They sent a card to one of the regulars who was facing a health challenge and showed up at the funeral of a friend’s family member. And, did I mention, they gather in the library for conversation, coffee and goodies?
Based on my experience, I can truly say that newcomers are welcome on Mondays at 9:00am. A big thanks to the Monday work crew.