Christmas Eve is one of those times when our sanctuary is filled with people who aren’t here regularly or are first-time attendees. Having a bunch of ‘regulars’ prepared to be especially hospitable contributes greatly to the sense of welcome others will hopefully experience.

Greeters will come about 30 minutes prior to worship and position themselves at or near the doors. Those willing could even stand outside, opening the door for folks and helping those who might need a little mobility assistance.

The Acolyte will carry a new flame from the back of the sanctuary to the front as we sing the “Call to Worship.” They will light the Christ Candle. They will also assist with spreading candle light to the congregation before we sing “Silent Night.”

Ushers will make sure worshippers receive a bulletin and a candle with drip catcher upon arrival. They will assist folks in finding seats as the sanctuary fills and count the number of attendees. Ushers will keep an eye out for anyone needing assistance during communion distribution. They will also assist with spreading candle light to the congregation before we sing “Silent Night.” At the conclusion of worship, ushers will help to tidy up in preparation for the next service.

The Gospel Readers will read the passage from Luke’s gospel from the pulpit. They will have practiced aloud and in advance.

Communion Servers will work alongside the Pastor serving bread and wine using our customary method of intinction.

With your help, we’ll have an especially welcoming Christmas Eve!