Two simple words: “Welcome Home!

We’ve been saying these words a bunch lately, but this Sunday, they will carry a whole lot of extra meaning.  Almost 10 months ago, our congregation voted to establish a permanent Scared Settlement of three tiny homes on our campus and to embrace the full-community model to be in ministry with the chronically homeless.  Last month, the newest neighbor was finally able to move into their new home.  It’s time to celebrate another milestone.

Would you join us this Sunday to help us be the place of welcome that God has been imagining for us?  Would you help us celebrate the new home that is already transforming another beautiful life, so deeply treasured by God?  Your presence would be a powerful witness to our new neighbor that this house comes with a whole community of people, ready to share God’s love with her.  You’ll also have a chance to meet the chickens, walk on our new sidewalks, and inspect the abundance emerging in our garden.

Welcome Home!” Celebration & Community Dinner

Sunday, July 21

Mending Social 4:30pm

Welcome Home Blessing & Remarks 5:30pm

Community Dinner & Milestones to follow.

We continue to gather on the third Sunday of each month to share a meal, celebrate milestones, and marvel at all God is doing in and through our Sacred Settlement. This is the perfect time and place to bring along someone who might be curious to learn more about our Sacred Settlement and the full-community approach to addressing chronic homelessness.

Our Community Dinners are a potluck with the main course and beverages provided (another burger & brat bbq this month), so bring a dish to share if you’re able. Or not – it’s ok. Just come – there’s always plenty. Come hear stories of real transformation and celebrate all that God is making possible. No need to RSVP.  Come early if you can help with set up.  Stick around after if you can help with clean up.