November 5 – 29 Worship Series
“As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” -Colossians 2:6-7
God’s story is fertile soil. If we plant our roots deeply, there’s no end to what God will make possible in and through us. Responding in love, we place our hope in God to use what we have, sowing seeds for the sake of this community of faith and the world we serve. Inspired by the generations who have carried us this far, and with our shared commitment, we trust that God’s vision will continue to grow.
Sunday, November 5 – All Saints Sunday | 8:30am & 10:45am Worship
Text: 1 Kings 18:[17-19] 20-39
Theme/Sermon Title: Following in faith what’s begun.
Sermon Teaser: We give thanks this day for seeds that were sown which produce fruit long after the sower is gone.
Preaching: Pastor Peter Christ
Sunday, November 12 | 8:30am & 10:45am Worship
Text: Hosea 11:1-9
Theme/Sermon Title: Planting seeds for the kingdom.
Sermon Teaser: Though surrounded by faithlessness, we have faith in a parent’s unconditional love as the source of hope for the future.
Preaching: Pastor Peter Christ
Sunday, November 19 | 8:30am & 10:45am Worship
Text: Isaiah 5:1-7; 11:1-5
Theme/Sermon Title: Setting the Word in our hearts.
Sermon Teaser: The words of the prophets are the recordings of a divine conversation worthy to be played over and over again.
Preaching: Pastor Peter Christ
Sunday, November 26 – Commitment Sunday | 8:30 am & 10:45am Worship
Text: 2 Kings 22:1-10, [11-20]; 23:1-3
Theme/Sermon Title: Spreading the news.
Sermon Teaser: We give thanks for fresh voices to hear an old story in new ways.
Preaching: Rev. Dr. Kelly Sherman-Conroy