Saturday, Sept. 9 & Sunday, Sept. 10

This weekend is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. Service activities offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most basic convictions as Lutherans: that all of life in Jesus Christ – every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life – flows freely from a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.

Saturday, Sept. 9, 1-3pm

Help us revitalize the Victoria Street rain gardens, our efforts to beautify the neighborhood and keep parking lot runoff out of the sewers. Please wear long sleeves and bring along your favorite pair of gardening gloves. This project is best for people in middle school and older. Project hosts: Dave Olson & Roger Hintze

Sunday, Sept. 10, 9:40-10:40am

Join us in the gym between worship services and participate in a variety of table-based projects, organized in partnership with Lutheran Social Service.

Projects Supporting Camp Noah

Camp Noah is a day camp program that serves children in communities that have been impacted by disaster. During Camp Noah, a team of certified camp staff accompany campers through a resiliency building curriculum that enables children to process their disaster and trauma experiences. Each camp is customized to the local community and offers children a safe space to tell their stories and build the resiliency skills they need to move forward. Since 1997, Camp Noah has served in 21 states and Puerto Rico.

Project: Making Birthday Cards

Project Hosts: Avia & Mischa Beary, Anne Christ

Decorate birthday cards for children living in disaster impacted communities that are served by Camp Noah. Sometimes in the busy time during recovery from disaster, milestones that are important to children, like birthdays, can be overlooked. Because of this, a birthday party celebrating all children is held at each Camp Noah event. “We appreciate your help in coloring birthday cards for children attending Camp Noah. Please decorate as many cards as you like – the more colorful and creative the better!”

Project: Making Tie-Blankets

Project Host: Cathy Yoon

Assemble fleece tie blankets for children living in disaster impacted communities that are served by Camp Noah.

Project: Kid’s Activity Kits

Project Hosts: Ellie, Henry, and Lea Thornton

Create activity kits, including markers and art supplies for children living in disaster-impacted communities that are served by Camp Noah.

Project Supporting Meals on Wheels

LSS Meals and Meals on Wheels is a joint partnership of our community and Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota to provide nutritious meals and social contact for individuals 60 or older.

Project: Blizzard Meals

Project Host: Debbie Jorgens

“Blizzard Meals” are intended to be shelf stable meals that Seniors can eat when there is an emergency such as weather or illness that would prevent them from going to a meal site or having meals delivered.