At our meeting on Tuesday, May 9 the congregation council addressed the following:
- Treasurer’s Report Arjun Sethi reported that our revenue and expenses are stable and on track with our operating budget. He is working to adjust the way we categorize and report on our dedicated funds, some of which have been dormant for a long time. Use of dedicated funds is not subject to the same processes we use to develop and manage our operating budget and Sethi is working to improve those processes.
- On May 25 the finance committee will begin preparing next year’s proposed budget, which will be presented to the congregation for approval on June 25.
- Children/Youth/Families Staffing: Approved a position description for a new Director of Children and Family Ministry. This will be a part-time (25-30 hours per week) job. The council authorized the Discovery Team, which planned the position, to recruit and recommend a candidate. Click here to read the full position description.
- Safe Parking Policies: Approved policies governing the use of our campus for overnight parking. The policies were recommended by a sub-group of the Campus Planning Task Force and will help us continue our hospitality to those who need a safe place to park overnight while also assuring that all guests, residents and our members are protected and respected.
- Operating Plan for our Micro-home Interim Use Application: Approved a description of operating plans for submission to the City of Roseville as part of our application for an interim use permit.
- Constitution Update: Reviewed and commented on several proposed changes to our constitution, which has not been updated since 2012. Details of the proposed changes will be published for congregational review by May 25.
If you are interested in more detail on any of these issues, please contact Michael Stetzler, or (651) 347-7732. Copies of meeting materials can be obtained by contacting the church office.