Today’s Author: Milt Warkentien
It’s really amazing to me all the times an angel says to someone in the “Christmas” story, “Don’t Be Afraid”. In Matthew 1:20, Joseph is told to not be afraid. In Luke 1:12-13, Zechariah is told to not be afraid. In Luke 1:30, Mary is told to not be afraid. In Luke 2:10, the shepherds are told to not be afraid.
What amazes me even more is that the simple words of “Don’t Be Afraid” makes each person/group okay and they go on with what was said to them. I don’t know about you, but I think if an angel suddenly appeared to me and told me to go do something, I think I might have many more questions, and be a lot harder to convince to not be afraid.
“Don’t Be Afraid” has taken on a different tone for me the last 20+ months. How many different things have frightened us the last 20+ months. Take time to think about the world events of the last 20+ months. What events caused you your greatest fears. What has helped you to work through these fears, or what “angels” helped you work through these fears.? Today I urge you to take time and think about the times “angels” have helped you to not be afraid. What were these angels; scripture, devotions, friends, media?
Dear God, help us to recognize the ways you reach out to ease our fears. Help us to recognize all the ways you are continually in our lives. Help us take the time to feel your presence each and every day. Amen
“Mid-week devotions are authored by members of our community. If you are interested in creating a trio of reflections to be shared on an upcoming Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday contact Pastor Peter.“