The Bega kwa Bega team in Iringa recently spent time visiting some of the secondary schools to visit scholarship students. Prince of Peace received a few photos and letters from some of our sponsored students!
For the 2018 school year, Prince of Peace provided $8,000 for scholarships for students from Bomalang’ombe. Students are chosen by the congregation based on financial need and academic ability.
A few notes about this year’s “scholarship class:”
–We are sponsoring 20 secondary school students plus continuing education for Evangelists through an extension program.
–13 of the students are female.
–Our students are at six different schools, however a majority attend the Bomalang’ombe Secondary School which is about five km away from the town.
–15 are in the first four years of school: 10 are Form 1, two are Form 2, two are Form 3 and one is Form 4. One student is awaiting results of National exams to see if he can move on to Form 5. One student is in Form 5 and three are in Form 6.
–Scholarship amounts range from $85 to $750 depending on the school and the percent that the family or student can provide towards their education. The average scholarship is $400.
Prince of Peace also participates in the Scholarship Equity Program – there are many congregations in the Iringa Diocese that do not have a partner congregation. The Scholarship Equity Program provides scholarships for students who belong to congregations that do not have a partner. Prince of Peace donated $1,000 for the 2018 Scholarship Equity Fund.
Please keep all of these amazing young people in your prayers!
Here’s a copy of one of the Thank You letters that we received from one of our Form I students: