Adult Forums meet during our Education Hour Sunday mornings at 9:40 a.m. to 10:40 a.m.

Please join Adult Forum in May for these forums:

May 6   Speaker Rev. Dr. Curtiss DeYoung, CEO of the Minnesota Council of Churches, will be with us to talk about the work of the Council, which seeks to be an agent of unity in the faith community and a moral voice for a just society. Rev. DeYoung is a pastor, former professor of Reconciliation Studies, and an author and editor of ten books on reconciliation, multiracial congregations, interfaith spirituality, racism, and cultural diversity. Link to MN Council of Churches website.

May 13 – An Introduction to the ELCA’s Draft Statement on Women & Justice will be led by Pastor Peter and the Social Concerns Committee. The ELCA is preparing a new social statement (the primary teaching documents of our denomination) to be considered for adoption at the 2019 Churchwide Assembly. Everyone in the ELCA is invited to join in conversation and discernment about this concern as people of faith. Note: copies of the draft statement are available now in the narthex. Small group conversation and study sessions are also scheduled for Wednesdays, May 30-June 20 at 6:30pm. Link to the ELCA Social Statement on Women & Justice.

May 20 – PoP Council’s Financial Secretary Christopher Thornton will present Prince of Peace’s proposed budget. This will be an opportunity to ask questions and discuss it before it is finalized and voted on at the June congregational meeting.