Children & Youth Choir

Children & youth are invited to sing in a choir this spring. Please fill out the survey for the dates that work best for your family. Survey

New Yogadevotion Sessions Starts March 4

A new session of Chair YogaDevotion will begin Tuesday, March 4 and will run for seven weeks. This class meets at 2:00pm each Tuesday in the Prince of Peace Sanctuary or on Zoom. The cost is $77. You can register online using this...

Lent with Prince of Peace

On Ash Wednesday, March 5, we begin our forty-day journey toward Easter. Marking our foreheads with dust, we acknowledge that we die and return to the earth. At the same time, the dust traces the life-giving cross indelibly marked on our foreheads at baptism and...

Lenten Soup Suppers

Soup Suppers will resume on Ash Wednesday, March 5, and will be weekly on Wednesdays through April 9. Come join us for a time of Lenten Fellowship over a delicious meal starting at 5:15pm, followed by Worship at 6:30pm. We will have a variety of soup choices and bread...

Seniors’ Winter Social

Thursday, February 27 | Social: 11:30am; Lunch: 12:00pm The Statue of Liberty: Two Decades of Effort, Almost Impossible Odds The Statue of Liberty stands proudly in New York Harbor, but how did the Statue come to be? What does it symbolize? Join us for a compelling...

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