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Scripture References: John 21:1-14 The tomb was empty and the good news of Easter was that death did not get the last word. The life of faith is wrapped up in the gift of this unstoppable love. But, to fully experience its benefits, we have to crack it open and put it to use. You know the old expression, “to make an omelet, you have to crack a few eggs.” It’s time we cracked open the gift that God has given us to see what we might be able to create. Recently, we have been unpacking the five values that are central to our congregation: relationship, generosity, caring, faith, and learning. In the weeks ahead we’ll be digging more deeply into how these values are helping us to become the church God is calling us to be. Betsy Hoium - May 1, 2022
Cracking Open the Faith: Generosity
From Series: "Cracking Open the Faith"
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Scripture References: John 21:1-14 The tomb was empty and the good news of Easter was that death did not get the last word. The life of faith is wrapped up in the gift of this unstoppable love. But, to fully experience its benefits, we have to crack it open and put it to use. You know the old expression, “to make an omelet, you have to crack a few eggs.” It’s time we cracked open the gift that God has given us to see what we might be able to create. Recently, we have been unpacking the five values that are central to our congregation: relationship, generosity, caring, faith, and learning. In the weeks ahead we’ll be digging more deeply into how these values are helping us to become the church God is calling us to be. Betsy Hoium - May 1, 2022
Cracking Open the Faith: Generosity
From Series: "Cracking Open the Faith"
More Messages From Betsy Hoium...
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