Women’s Bible Studies
Several circles meet using the Bible study in the ELCA’s Gather Magazine
Women’s Bible Studies
Our women’s circles have gathered in homes and at the church once a month for fellowship and bible study for over 60 years. You don’t have to be a member of Prince of Peace or a regular attendee to join in one of our circles.
Interested in joining a circle meeting? Just contact the contact person listed below and let her know you’d like to join.
Rebecca’s Circle
Contact Person – Liz Ericksen
Rebecca’s Circle usually meets on the third Thursday of each month at 10:00pm. Please reach out the Liz Ericksen for meeting location information.
Lydia/Ruth Circle
Contact Person – Anne Haugan
Lydia/Ruth Circle meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 1:00pm. This combined circle meets at Prince of Peace in the library. Please contact Anne Haugen for more information.
Women on Wednesdays (WOW)
All women are invited to join this once-a-month gathering for sociability and discussion on a choice of topics. WOW meets on the third Wednesday of each month at Prince of Peace from 10:30am – 12:00pm. Please contact Debbie Jorgens for more information.
Check out previous posts related to Women’s Ministry below:
New YogaDevotion Sessions Starts June 25
A new session of Chair YogaDevotion will begin Tuesday, June 25 and will run through August 13. This class meets at 2:00pm each Tuesday in the Prince of Peace Sanctuary or on Zoom. the cost is $88. If you have any questions please contact Carol Swanson...
New YogaDevotion Sessions Starts April 30
A new session of Chair YogaDevotion will begin Tuesday, April 30 - June 18 at 2:00pm each Tuesday. Cost is $88. If you have any questions please contact Carol Swanson (carol.swanson12@icloud.com). Click here to Register