0-3 Year Old Connect
0-3 Year Old Connect for families meets from 9:40-10:40am in the Meeting Room on:
March 23
April 27
PK-4th Grade
Faith Rocks meets during 10:45am worship on:
March 16, 23, 30
April 6, 13, 27
May 4, 11, 18
Ramsey County Library Book Drive
Benefiting Enna Wold's NHS Senior Project Hey everyone, for my NHS Senior Project, I am collecting books to donate to the Ramsey County Library. If you have books you no longer need, feel free to hand them directly to me or leave them in the box in the Narthex! Thank...
Feed My Starving Children Mobile Pack
Saturday, May 3 from 10am-Noon An activity for people of all ages! On Saturday, May 3, we’ll be joining our friends at Incarnation Lutheran Church in Shoreview for their annual “All Hands on Hope” MobilePack event to support Feed My Starving Children (FMSC). As a...
High School Summer Mystery Camping Trip
Monday, June 23 - Thursday, June 26 We will leave Prince of Peace on Monday morning, June 23, tent camp for 3 nights, and return on Thursday afternoon, June 26. The location of our camping trip will remain a mystery/surprise to the youth until we depart from church,...