Affordable Housing Team
Helping the Congregation live out its mission to love the world.
God calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. The Prince of Peace Affordable Housing Team is exploring building affordable housing on the 2 ¼ acres of land south of the parking lot as a tangible way to love our neighbors. While we cannot solve homelessness and the lack of affordable housing in the Twin Cities, the time seems ripe to use our land, our resources, our people, and our passions to make a difference for people who lack stable housing.
Affordable Housing Team Members
- Anne Haugan
- Gus Haugan
- Dian Larson
- Betchen Oberdorfer
- Gary Olson
- Jean Olson
- Michael Stetzler
- Esther Tatley
- Pastor Betsy Hoium
Want more information? Notes of all the Affordable Housing Team Meetings are available by contacting
Affordable Housing Congregational Mailings
February 2021
Notice of Special Congregational Meeting
March 2021
2018 – State of Minnesota awards a Homework Starts with Home Grant for school districts in suburban Ramsey County including the Roseville Area Schools. This grant is administered by Solid Ground and Lutheran Social Service. It helps families with school age-children find permanent housing because children can’t learn if they don’t know where they are going to sleep that night. Pastor Betsy and Anne Haugan serve on a Homework Starts with Home Task Force with other community leaders
Fall 2019 – The congregation learns that there are 250+ school-age children in the Roseville Area School District who are homeless or unstably housed
February 2020 – Brainstorming session asking the question what might we do with the 2 ¼ acres of land we own? What is God calling us to do? Out of that the Homelessness Team was created.
March 2020 – The Homelessness Team is formed. Because of the Corona Virus Stay-at-Home orders, the group meets by Zoom
March – June 2020: Learning Phase – The team as they meet with other churches who have addressed homelessness, school district, city council member, state representative, city planning commission member, Lutheran Social Service, and four nonprofit affordable housing developers
May 2020 – The group submits a proposal to the Generosity Committee for Rose’s Place, affordable housing to be built on the church’s 2 ¼ acres of land. The Team participates in the Ideas Pitchfest and the three Q & A sessions.
June 2020 – The Prince of Peace Council provides officially charters the team, renamed the Affordable Housing Team, and provides $10,000 of seed money from the Mission Launch Fund (money designated to explore new ministries from a previous capital campaign)
June 2020 and Beyond: Listening Phase – The Affordable Housing Team gave an update at the June 28 Semi-Annual Meeting, sent a mailing to members on July 3, and held two Virtual Potluck Q & A sessions in July.
October 2020 – The Affordable Housing Team held a community conversation during a Sunday Forum. (watch below).
January 2021 – The Affordable Housing Team held a community conversation during a Sunday Forum. (watch below).
January 2021 – Jean and Gary Olson share why they are serving as a part of the Affordable Housing Team during a Ministry Highlight during worship.
Affordable Housing Focus Group Discussion
The Affordable Housing Team sent a letter to the congregation that included updates from the Affordable Housing Team along with answers to many common questions. There are two upcoming Affordable Housing Team Focus Groups. One on Tuesday, March 2 at 6:30pm and the...
Providing Basic Needs in the Community
Jesus calls us to love our neighbors as he first loved us. We are to “do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God” (Micah 6:8). This time of year, people get many requests from organizations asking for financial support. As a resource, here are organizations...
Books with Betsy: My Name is Child of God
You are invited to join Pastor Betsy and members of the Affordable Housing Team for a November online book study. We will be reading My Name is Child of God...Not Those People by Julia K. Dinsmore. The group will meet Mondays at 7 p.m. on November 2, 9, and 16 via...
Theology on Tap Considers the Roof Over our Heads
Prince of Peace needs a new roof and many of our neighbors don't have one. A number of folks gathered in October for the monthly meeting of Theology on Tap to wrestle with the question, "What sort of housing can we afford, for the church and for our neighbors?" The...