Worship Information & Opportunities

When we gather for worship, we honor the diversity of God’s people by blending traditional and contemporary liturgy, promoting excellent music and preaching, to support our faith and each other in following Jesus in our daily life.

Sunday Worship Schedule

  • In-person in the Sanctuary.
  • Live-streamed and available for viewing later.
  • Communion Served Every Week
  • Runs about an Hour in Length




Holy Communion is offered at the table during worship every Sunday. All are welcome at the table. Those not yet communing are welcome to receive a blessing.


Prince of Peace generally follows the Narrative Lectionary September through Pentecost Sunday. Summer readings are assigned based on the variety of worship series. Check out the current series description to learn what stories are currently shaping our worship.

Sermon Archives

Recordings of sermons are posted onto this website in days following our Sunday worship.  The current archives include every recordable sermon from January 1, 2019 plus a few selections from years prior.
Click here to listen to past Sermons 

Past Worship Service

Recordings of our services can be found on our YouTube channel- PoPRoseville.
Click here to go to our YouTube Channel 

Upcoming Live-streamed services



All Ages PoP Ensemble

All Ages PoP Ensemble

Rehearsal: Dec. 4; 6:30pm - Perform: Dec. 8; Both Services Attention instrumentalists: On Sunday, December 8, we’ll be having a PoP ensemble. We’ll play the opening hymn and an anthem at both services. You can leave after the anthem at 10:45am, if you wish. Rehearsal...

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Advent Vespers

Advent Vespers

Advent is a time of reflection, anticipation, and preparation as we journey toward the celebration of Jesus’ birth. During these sacred evenings, we join in Marty Haugen’s beloved Holden Evening Prayer, a liturgical setting that beautifully captures the quiet hope and expectant joy of this holy season.

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Thanksgiving Eve Worship & Pie

Thanksgiving Eve Worship & Pie

Wednesday, November 27 Worship @ 6:30pm; Pie to follow Join us Wednesday, November 27 at 6:30pm for our Thanksgiving Eve service and Pie Social! Prince of Peace’s high school youth group will be dishing up pie and collecting free-will donations to support their...

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