Worship Information & Opportunities
When we gather for worship, we honor the diversity of God’s people by blending traditional and contemporary liturgy, promoting excellent music and preaching, to support our faith and each other in following Jesus in our daily life.
Sunday Worship Schedule
8:30am Worship |
10:45am |
Holy Communion is offered at the table during worship every Sunday. All are welcome at the table. Those not yet communing are welcome to receive a blessing.
Prince of Peace generally follows the Narrative Lectionary September through Pentecost Sunday. Summer readings are assigned based on the variety of worship series. Check out the current series description to learn what stories are currently shaping our worship.
Sermon Archives
Recordings of sermons are posted onto this website in days following our Sunday worship. The current archives include every recordable sermon from January 1, 2019 plus a few selections from years prior.
Click here to listen to past Sermons
Past Worship Service
Recordings of our services can be found on our YouTube channel- PoPRoseville.
Click here to go to our YouTube Channel
Upcoming Live-streamed services
New Year, New Worship Series
Epiphany worship series begins Jan. 12. At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, the story of God takes a profound turn. In these early chapters of Luke’s Gospel, we encounter moments where the call of God echoes through the wilderness, into the lives of fishermen, and among ordinary people yearning for something more. This series invites us to reflect on how Jesus’ ministry begins by calling people into a new understanding of God’s work in the world.
Christmas Eve
Welcome to this holy night, where we gather to celebrate the extraordinary story of Christ’s birth. In the quiet town of Bethlehem, among humble shepherds and a young couple with no place to stay, God entered the world in the most ordinary of ways. Yet through this child, everything changed—the hopes of the weary, the longings of the broken, and the future of all creation were transformed. Tonight, we remember that this extraordinary story is still unfolding, inviting us to receive the light of Christ into our own lives and share it with the world.
Christmas Eve Worship Assistance
Christmas Eve is one of those times when our sanctuary is filled with people who aren't here regularly or are first-time attendees. Having a bunch of 'regulars' prepared to be especially hospitable contributes greatly to the sense of welcome others will hopefully...