by Kathy Tunseth

While providing meaningful music for worship is the highest priority for our adult choirs at Prince of Peace, each choir is also a support group for its members. This was once again brought home this fall with the loss of our beloved baritone, Dan Wagner. 

Dan sang with us as long as he could and then cheered us on from the pews when his health was failing. Dan WAS a true cheerleader for all of us in choir, providing that strong bass voice, sharing holiday treats every December with his wife, Linda, and tenor, Roger Hintze, and visiting with those of us who have also dealt with cancer and other health problems.

I think of members who have left us over the years I have been at Prince of Peace: Kay, Anne, Herb and Barb and I thank God for the musical talents they shared as well as their friendship. 

Yes, we sing and ring and members, old and new, will hopefully get much joy from the music that is created but, really, choirs are so much more…