by Alyssa Herrig

Nestled in the back corner of our Sanctuary is the “Creation Station.” It is a space for our older children and teens to engage in activities during worship. As I began my ministry at PoP, I knew that getting to know the families and children would be a top priority. I rifled through the many years of experience in my mind-what could I do to interact with them on a regular basis? 

I thought of the Zoom Bingo I hosted during 2020. It had been a simple way to gather together and I wondered if there could be a practical application within our worship space. So, amongst the miscellaneous coloring and art supplies, there have been two versions of Bingo. 

The instructions are simple: get a card and writing utensil; engage in worship and mark the things you have seen or heard (i.e. bells, prayers, Amen, etc…) and bring it to me after worship to receive your prize. 

I have enjoyed walking with the kids down to my office. We have visited about their weeks, the Lego on my desk, the Spark story and many other things. A simple game has turned into one of the favorite parts of my week and how I have begun to know the families at PoP.