by Steve Sveom

My role as a co-chair for the ministry support sphere has been mainly to work toward good building and property use. How can our facility accommodate and encourage the ministry of Prince of Peace? I’d like to tell the story of three people who are deeply committed to this work. It is important that the building be efficient, welcoming and cost effective. We could invest many thousands of dollars to accomplish these goals – far beyond what we have available. But, there are also possibilities to enhance our ministry together in as efficient a manner as possible.

  1. Kristin is on staff and at the Church on a day-by-day basis. She sees needs and opportunities and maintains a great handle on the little details that always need attention. She convenes the Property Management team and helps keep us on task with a listening ear and a willing commitment to this work involving both needs and limitations. She also gives the Monday work crew ideas for what they can do.
  2. James Erickson has maintained an amazing commitment to save the Church costs while being environmentally friendly.  One barrier after another has been addressed with determination and patience as he has led the charge toward solar power for PoP. 
  3. Dan Neujahr brings expertise beyond what most of us have and he has provided much insight and participation as someone with skills and knowledge. He consistently works to keep costs in-line, jump in to do projects that may require his skills, evaluate what is necessary to maintain and upgrade, and highlight what may not be necessary.

There are many others whose stories could be told, who share a deep commitment and dedication to Prince of Peace.  These three will have to do for now.