For those of you who were at church this morning, you may have heard that Allie and Erika’s flight home was cancelled yesterday and rescheduled for tonight. Unfortunately, after waiting through another 2 hour delay, their flight home tonight was also cancelled. While there was discussion about driving/figuring out another way home, the Delta flight departing for JFK now at 9:20 pm had room to take 3 more people. They are on the plane and it is pulling out of the gate! As long as their connecting flight to MSP goes as planned, they should land home around 2 pm tomorrow. Please continue to keep them in your prayers as they have already been sitting and waiting for 7 hours and by the time they get home they will have been in the airport/flying for 24 hours (not including the 8+ hours they spent waiting at the airport yesterday)! We pray too for the many other groups that have had to pivot their travel plans coming home from the gathering.