Remember You Baptism

Do you remember your baptism? Most of you who are reading this were probably baptized as an infant or young child, like I was. If that’s the case, it’s understandable that you would have little, if any, recollection of being joined to Christ in the life-giving waters of baptism.


My siblings and I had a lot of fun growing up, contrary to our expressions in the photo above, taken on Easter Sunday, 1957. From the looks of us, it had likely been a very long day and we had consumed too much sugar – a dangerous combination that my parents would have to contend with.

All That Really Matters

The Resurrection of Jesus is told in all four of the gospel narratives. While there are common elements – the empty tomb, the presence of angels, and Mary Magdalene as one of the first witnesses to the Resurrection – it’s fascinating to note how the stories diverge from one another. Here’s a sampling of those differences: